My name is Jay and I am one of the few people who have been able to swap his FQS to USDT on Trust wallet app. It is for this reason that I have come here to advertise on how to I was able to withdraw my FQS to my wallet.
FQSwap is one of the few cryptocurrency platform which has not been listed or is traded on any cryptocurrency platform. This coin is similar to Pi network making it difficult for people to withdraw from the network.
Earning FQS tokens is absolutely easy, However, the major problem is exchanging them for USDT. I know friends who have accumulated lots of these tokens but could not exchange them until they met me. It is true you cannot directly withdraw from your FQSwap wallet to your bank wallet.
You can either exchange your FQS on the FQSwap official exchange website or you can swap it using the pancakes swap wallet.
Note that I can help you withdraw but it is not free. I paid to advertise myself here so if you really need to exchange your FAQs on any cryptocurrency exchange platform, you can contact me below.
You can contact me via any of the contacts or email listed below:
Email: jameskipo20@gmail.com or bagnirakipo@gmail.com